
Fashion: Cozy Summer with Femme Luxe Loungewear

by - 13:21:00

Vedno sem izbirala kose oblačil v katerih sem se počutila res dobro in udobno in ne samo "za sliko".  Loungewear stil je postal zelo popularen, saj lahko brez skrbi zapustiš hišo pa če tudi oblečena "za doma". Vsekakor priročen stil za vse nas, ki se nam ne da stati pred ogledalom 2 uri in pomerjati oblačila za v trgovino. Ta objava bo torej za vse tiste, ki ste rade v udobnih oblačilih, ampak bi vseeno rade izgledale tipi topi. Hvala Femme Luxe, da me razvajaš, ker sem zdaj še raje na kavču *smeh*.

Topom sem se nekako vedno izogibala, vendar priznam, da sem čisto padla nanje. Ne samo, da izgleda odlično, lahko ga kombiniraš k trenirki ali hlačam - dva v enem, hihi. *smeh*

Čeprav je bilo zadnje dni noro vroče, so spet prišli bolj hladnejši popoldnevi in takrat je super obleči kaj toplejšega, a še vedno nosljivega za ta letni čas. 

Izbrala sem 2 Loungewear seta in sicer v črni in zeleni barvi, na voljo pa so v večih barvah. Na žalost so mi hlače nekoliko prevelike, saj nimajo na voljo številke XS, zato bom si še tu in tam privoščila kakšno margarito *smeh* Vseeno so zelo udobne, prav tako je kroj ravno pravšnji za ženske z oblinami, meni tu in tam malo manjka, hihi.  GURLS GO GET IT!  Edini minus spodnjega dela je definitivno fake elastika, ki je na žalost ne moreš zategniti in si tako prilagoditi hlač, lahko le zavežeš v mašlc. Mnenja drugih blogerk bom pripela spodaj. Oba Loungewear topa imata V izrez, kar mi je najbolj všeč, saj zelo lepo pride v kombinaciji s kakšnim nakitom. 

Ker sem obsedena s trenirkami in, ker jih res najraje nosim sem poleg dveh setov izbrala še spodnji del trenirke, ki je nekoliko tanjši, super za poletne dni, predvsem pa zelo udoben. 

Lol, ignore my "NO BOOTY" <3

Ne morem verjeti, da so me Femme Luxe kosi oblačil tako navdušili, saj sem sprva mislila, da stvar sploh ni legit. Vseč mi je tudi to, da so ena izmed tistih znamk, ki so ti na voljo za vsa vprašanja, saj res radi priskočijo na pomoč. Definitivno bom naročila še kaj! Vam, modnim navdušenam, ki imate vseeno rade udobno pa priporočam, da preverite njihovo ponudbo na Femme Luxe spletni strani.

Tako pa sem pokombinirala ta navadno črno majico - trenirkaste hlače z žepi, kapo za piko i ter Moonsi supergami.


I was always the type of girl who loved sporty, casual and comfy clothes. Loungewear style has blown up, because it's so comfy to wear at home and you can also look cute while shopping groceries. I mean, what could a woman wish more for. You can easily style Loungewear sets with some heels or pair of sneakers. You can look dope in a second. *laugh*

This Loungewear Style is perfect for me - I don't like to stand before the mirror for 2 hours and still don't know what to wear. So this post is for Women who love to wear comfy clothes but still look cute at the same time. Thank you Feme Luxe for spoiling me with these comfy clothes because I could live on a couch now for my whole life. SO COMFY. 

Even if the Weather was so hot these past days, the nights are still a little bit colder, so this is something you could also wear in Summer. For a dinner date or just for a walk through the city. 

I choose 2 Loungewear Sets in black and khaki green but you can choose between so many different colors. Unfortunately I lost so much weight that these beautiful and comfy Loungewear bottoms are a little bit big on me, but still wearable. I could easily say that these pieces are made for women with curvy body, I still need to eat a pizza or two to fit in perfectly. GURLS GO GET IT! The only thing I didn't really like is this "fake elastic" that do nothing, you can just do a bow, that it looks more cute. If this was a real elastic,these bottoms would fit me perf. Both of Loungewear Tops have the V neck shape which I absolutely adore because it looks so chic with a piece of jewelry. 

If you follow me on Instagram you know I'm obsessed with Joggers and Trousers, so I had to take one grey , super lightweight Highwaisted Joggers - Kimora. Perfect for Summer. Lightweight and so comfy and definitely easy to style. I love to style it with an oversized T-shirt and sneakers and I'm ready to go. 




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  1. I like this selection of dress for women! I'm a big fan of comfort, and these pieces look so cozy. I'm especially drawn to the soft, textured fabrics and the relaxed silhouettes. I always order these types of dress from Koochi Poochi online store. This loungewear is perfect for a lazy day at home, or even for running errands. Thanks for the great selection!
