Fashion: Sexy Quarantine with Femme Luxe Finery

by - 09:24:00

Kako kaj preživljanje časa v karanteni? Kljub vsem skrbem, kako in kaj, polnemu košu umazanega perila in nešteto opranih strojev oblačil, kuhanju, sem našla tudi čas zase. Sej ne, da ga nimam, le vzamem si ga premalokrat.

Vesela sem, da je moja kategorija "moda" na blogu spet zaživela s to objavo, saj je preteklo že kar nekaj časa od kar sem objavila kaj v zvezi z modo in stajlingom. Tokrat se vračam s prečudovitimi kosi s spletne strani Femme Luxe Finery


Nisem oboževalka oblek, sem oseba, ki se bolje počuti v trenirki in XXL majici, tokrat pa priznam, da mi je ta obleka prav pisana na kožo. Najprej sem bila zelo skeptična pri naročanju obleke preko spleta, v preteklosti sem že imela slabo izkušnjo, ampak me to tokrat ni odvrnilo. In ni mi žal - obleka je čudovita, predvsem pa udobna, kar mi je zelo pomembno pri oblačilih.

Vsekakor je obleka popolna tudi za vse tiste srečnice z oblinami, saj je narejena, da poudari boke. 
Zgornji del je prosojen, spodaj sem oblekla modrc brez naramnic, prav tako pa bi izgledalo super s kakšnim bolj sexy nedrčkom, za tiste bolj drzne. 

Všeč mi je tudi, da lahko obleko skombiniraš na več načinov, s petkami in kakšnim plaščem ali preprosto za drzen look v kombinaciji z bulerji in jakno


How's your Quarantine going? I hope you're all healthy and alright. I'm mostly being a housekeeper and a chef, and in all of this mess, I also find the time for myself. It's not that I have no time, I just don't take it. 

I am so lucky that my "fashion" category went alive with this post. I haven't posted any style blog post in ages and today I am back with the Femme Luxe Finery pieces. 


I am not a woman who's obsessed with wearing dresses, but this Black Mesh Fishnet High Neck Ruchet Mini Dress just caught my eye in a second I must have buy it. I had a bad experience with buying a dress online - it came nothing like it looked on the website, but THIS ONE, is exactly the same. And it's not just that - it's so comfy I could wear it everyday. This one would also look dope on curvy girls, but I am not one of them, but I think it still does look very beautiful. I wear size S (6).

The top part is a see through and it doesn't come with a Bandeau Bra, so be careful. I was smart enough to also buy this black seamless padded bandeau bra. I wear size S (6/8).

It could be styled with a pair of heels and a coat or for more alternative look you can just put on some boots and leather jacket. It looks dope either way. 

More Femme Luxe Finery items will be posted soon on my social media and here on the blog. 

Stay tuned, 

* This blog post is not sponsored, even though some of the clothes on this blog post were sent to me, as always, all opinions on my blog are always my own sincere opinions after trying any product.

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